Student Information
Registration informationTo guarantee enrollment, payment in full is due prior to the start of any class or workshop. You can pay by credit card online, by phone or in person, or download a mail-in registration form and send it with your check.
Please note:
Members receive a $20 per class discount.
To find out how to become an Art League member and receive the discount, click here.
Cancellation and Refunds
Once a class has begun, there will be no refunds. Cancellation/refund policy for classes: A $25 cancellation fee will be charged for all refunds requested up to 5 days before the beginning of any class. After that time, no refunds will be given. Cancellation/refund policy for workshops: A $25 cancellation fee will be charged for all refunds requested up to 10 days before the beginning of any workshop. After that time no refunds will be given. Materials & Supplies
Most of our classes and workshops require students to provide their own supplies. Supply lists can be found at the end of the course description online.
Figure Model Policy
Nude and clothed/costumed male and female figure models are used for study in some courses. No photography of nude models is permitted at any time, and photography of clothed/costumed models is permitted only in instructed classes after a photo release, signed by the model, faculty and students, has been submitted to the director. Please contact the director for more details on this policy and the use of models in particular classes and workshops at the Art League.
| Parking & Access
Parking is available in the lot in front of the League building. Handicap parking and a ramp are at the front of the building.
Student Contract
Enrolling at the New Mexico Art League constitutes your agreement that the New Mexico Art League cannot be held liable for any act or injury, illness, death, damage, loss, accident, delay or irregularity which may occur during the course of any program, including open studio time. Personal effects, artwork and art supplies are the students’ sole responsibility at all times. The League reserves the right to cancel or reschedule any program or terminate any student’s enrollment in the event of unreasonable or disruptive conduct or failing to follow the League's policies and rules. Publicity waiver: Unless otherwise informed, the League considers photographs taken on-site of students, members, or their artwork to be permissible for publication in Art League promotional materials, including electronic formats.
Got questions? Contact us! We're happy to help!