New Mexico Art League
                  Art School ∙ Gallery 



Adult Classes

Upcoming events

    • 01/04/2025
    • 02/22/2025
    • 8 sessions
    • Art League Studios
    • 0
    Join waitlist

    This class is for intermediate artists who want to go to the next level. If you are asking yourself “Where do I go from here?”, this class will give you the direction you are seeking. Alice will be working with each student individually to determine how to build on your strengths and how to turn weaknesses into assets. Together you will clarify your visual voice and understand how your personal creative vocabulary is already apparent in your work. Alice will encourage an investigation of the imagery, color choices and composition you are presently using and guide you to a strong individual path in your painting.  

    Please bring your preferred materials. All media, charcoal and pencil, pastels, oils, acrylics and watercolors, are welcome. 

    Please sign up early; class size is limited to 12 students.

    • 01/04/2025
    • 02/22/2025
    • 8 sessions
    • Art League Studios

    Do you love to paint and draw? Are you interested in studying art in college or becoming a profes-sional artist one day? Join artist and teacher, Susan Roden, for a comprehensive, skill building course covering many areas of study in two and three dimensional art. Students will have fun exploring multiple painting, drawing and design projects, and finish with artwork that could be included in a portfolio for admission to a university art program. As well as making your own work, you will look at and learn from artists of the past and present to fuel your own unique art. Come ready to ask questions, share ideas and create. This is a no-pressure environment where all levels are welcome. Individual guidance and constructive feedback will be given. 

    Please sign up early, space is limited to 12 students.

    Materials List

    • 01/06/2025
    • 02/24/2025
    • 8 sessions
    • Art League Studios
    • 0
    Join waitlist

    Join watercolor painter, Dave Cook, in this 8-week class exploring several different approaches to producing beautiful and compelling landscapes. We will compare realism, abstraction, and expressive experimentation to discover the unique versatility and beauty of transparent watercolors. You will also find how to use elements of good design that are critical to successful work, and be introduced to simple and helpful drawing and painting techniques that will increase self-confidence and produce immediate results. You will learn how to use sketchbooks with valuestudies and color sketches to help create successful paintings. We will study the effects of composition, light, atmosphere, color temperature and contrast on the mood we want to create, and the story we want to tell. We will enjoy learning and exploring together to discover the creativity within and ways to express it. Instruction will be individual and through demonstrations.This course will be useful to artists at any level, and there will be time for individual painting and positive critique.

    Please sign up early; class size is limited to 12 students.

    Materials List

    • 01/06/2025
    • 02/24/2025
    • 8 sessions
    • Art League Studios

    Join printmaker/artist Maria Lilly for this free spirited alla prima monotype/painting experience. Monotypes are one of a kind pieces made “in the moment”. Oil paint mixed with some printmaking medium makes fabulous alla prima prints with subtle texture of a relief print combined with the boldness and brushstrokes of a painting. Each week we will work from a new still life creating prints the same day. A very exciting and rewarding process. We will also try out thee process of dark field monotypes (black and white) with a reverse painting process. These prints can be made for fun, used as multimedia pieces or look beautiful on their own. Please sign up early; class size is limited to 10 students.

    Materials List

    • 01/07/2025
    • 02/25/2025
    • 8 sessions
    • Art League Studios
    • 0
    Join waitlist

    The objective of this class is to create a composition that emphasizes visual movement through light areas to do just that – a path of light. In order to make the viewing experience the most impactful, artists often rely on value contrasts to guide the viewer’s eye through a painting. During the class, several techniques will be explored to create areas enhanced with strong value contrasts – light against dark. Color contrasts and textures will also play roles to enhance areas of focus. The class will begin with a group project and then each student will choose their own personal compositions applying the new techniques to depict a path of light through their paintings. Students at all levels are welcome.

    Please sign up early; class size is limited.

    Materials List
    • 01/07/2025
    • 02/25/2025
    • 8 sessions
    • Art League Studios
    • 0
    Join waitlist

    Have you always wanted to try your hand at drawing but worried that you didn’t have any talent? This class is designed for you! Anyone can learn to draw using these methods, and any skill level can benefit; from those with experience to those who have never picked up a drawing pencil. Betty Edwards’ groundbreaking approach to drawing, based on methods derived from research into how the brain functions, will show you how to bypass the fixed ideas of the dominant left hemisphere and tap into the perceptivity and creativity that are the domain of the right hemisphere. Even more important, you will be learning to see the world in ways that will enhance your understanding and enjoyment of your creativity overall.

    Please sign up early; class size is limited to 12 students.

    Materials List

    • 01/07/2025
    • 02/25/2025
    • 8 sessions
    • Art League Studios
    • 0
    Join waitlist

    This class is designed for those who have a strong desire to paint but are not sure how to begin. Students will learn the basic tools of painting in either oil or acrylic beginning with how to set up your palette and the basics of composition. We will learn to mix color by working at first with a limited color palette and then, as we progress, adding more colors. Proportion, object placement, value, shape and perspective are a few of the elements of art that will be covered.  After focusing on both painting from life and painting landscapes from photographs individual students will choose the subject of their final painting. If you are interested in trying abstraction as this time then go for it! Instruction will include primarily individual guidance along with demonstrations. You will be surprised at how much fun it is to learn to paint!

    Please sign up early; class size is limited to 12 students.

    Materials List

    • 01/08/2025
    • 02/26/2025
    • 8 sessions
    • Art League Studios
    • 0
    Join waitlist

    The objective of this class is to acquaint students with traditional and contemporary techniques in drawing and painting that will give them the solid background needed to develop their own individual style. Class will progress to the introduction of traditional drawing and painting techniques and fundamental principles of design including composition, perspective and color. Classes will begin with a short lecture and demonstration, after which students will explore these techniques working from still life arrangements or their own photographic material.

    Please sign up early; class size is limited to 12 students. 

    Materials List

    • 01/08/2025
    • 02/26/2025
    • 8 sessions
    • Art League Studios
    • 0
    Join waitlist

    Students will learn how to paint in oils using the time tested methods of the masters. Color theory and its app-lication to landscape painting will be a central focus as Waid helps each student develop greater skills of observation. Meeting each artist at their individual level of skill, Waid encourages self-expression and individual interpretation of the subject while incorporating the fundamentals of composition, depth of field and balance in landscape painting.

    Class size is limited to 12 students; please sign up early.

    Materials List

    • 01/09/2025
    • 02/27/2025
    • 8 sessions
    • Art League Studios
    • 2

    Join Susan Roden in this exciting course designed for artists who are ready for an adventure in learning. The urban landscape offers the challenge of incorporating more architectural elements along side natural forms. Students will explore various sketching techniques, recognizing abstract patterns, thumbnails and more. We will discuss and apply ways to adapt composition, rendering, perspective and other techniques used to create successful sketches in interesting locations around Albuquerque. The class will meet in the studio and, weather permitting, at various locations in the metro area. The visual exploration of the urban landscape will benefit the beginner as well as the seasoned artist and is open to artists at all levels.

    Please sign up early; class size is limited.

    Materials List

    • 01/10/2025
    • 02/28/2025
    • 8 sessions
    • Art League Studios
    • 0
    Join waitlist

    Tired of drawing the same old apples and oranges?  How about creating a shape or presenting a color relationship that has never been seen before? This 8-week class will examine the infinite possibilities of abstraction using various dry drawing materials and water based paint and/or through the painting mediums of oil or acrylics.  Each student will have the option to decide what materials to use and when. The exception being the homework assignments which will always be done on paper. Class can be as structured or as open as desired to enable the creative voice to have its say.  Students who prefer more structure will work on in-class assignments while others may choose to treat the class as an open studio, pursuing individual projects. Contemporary artists as well as artist from history will be discussed to remind us of what is happening and what has happened, renewing our connection to world culture. Class critiques will provide a window into ideas, process and intent. This class will be both challenging and fun as you discover the infinite freedom of abstraction! 

    Please sign up early; class size is limited to 12 students.

    Materials List

    • 01/10/2025
    • 02/28/2025
    • 8 sessions
    • In the Art League Studios
    • 0
    Join waitlist

    Join John Reger for this 8-week class offering an in depth study of the fundamentals of academic ‘long-pose’ life drawing. Perfect for all artists, beginners or advanced, we will focus on developing an understanding of the classical tradition of realistic figure drawing. Students will be introduced to the manual, procedural, and analytical techniques of a refined, articulate, realistic approach to pencil drawing. Presented with an immersive drawing experience, students will progress with the most effective learning tool,  the multi-level experience of drawing itself.  Participants will be introduced to a refined, articulate drawing style in which drawings are built up methodically through a succession of linear and tonal stages: (1) the envelope:a simple, foundational shape encompassing the whole figure, (2) the block-in: the complex, abstract shape of the figure, (3) the contour: the specific, linear description of the silhouette of the figure, (4) drawing on the inside: the tonal description of the form of the body within the confines of the contour.  The focus is on patience, craft, observation, and understanding of drawing principles. You will be amazed at what you can learn unjust 8 weeks! 

    Please sign up early; class size is limited.

    Materials List
    • 01/22/2025
    • 5:30 PM - 8:30 PM
    • Art League Studios
    • 10


    The New Mexico Art League now holds Wednesday Life Drawing Sessions each week with a  different classical nude pose.

    We will begin with quick warm-up poses so artists can capture the figure in motion and move to extended poses during the 3 hour session.

    These drawing sessions are open to artists of all levels. Artists should bring their own materials and drawing surface. Easels and drawing benches are provided for your use. 

    These sessions do require advance registration.  

    Please check your calendar! Payment is not transferable or refundable.

    Please sign up early; each group is limited to 12 artists.

    Payment must be made at the time of registration

    in order to hold your place.

    Without payment your place will be cancelled.

    • 01/26/2025
    • 1:00 PM - 4:00 PM
    • Art League Studios
    • 8

     The New Mexico Art League holds Sunday Life Drawing Sessions each week with either a clothed or nude model.

    We will begin with quick warm-up poses so artists can capture the figure in motion and move to extended poses during the 3 hour session. These drawing sessions are open to artists of all levels. Artists should bring their own materials and drawing surface. Easels and drawing benches are provided for your use. 

    These sessions do require advance registration.  

    Please check your calendar! Payment is not transferable or refundable.

    Please sign up early; each group is limited to 12 artists.

    Payment must be made at the time of registration in order to hold your place. Without payment your place will be cancelled.

    • 01/29/2025
    • 5:30 PM - 8:30 PM
    • Art League Studios
    • 10


    The New Mexico Art League now holds Wednesday Life Drawing Sessions each week with a  different classical nude pose.

    We will begin with quick warm-up poses so artists can capture the figure in motion and move to extended poses during the 3 hour session.

    These drawing sessions are open to artists of all levels. Artists should bring their own materials and drawing surface. Easels and drawing benches are provided for your use. 

    These sessions do require advance registration.  

    Please check your calendar! Payment is not transferable or refundable.

    Please sign up early; each group is limited to 12 artists.

    Payment must be made at the time of registration

    in order to hold your place.

    Without payment your place will be cancelled.

    • 03/01/2025
    • 03/02/2025
    • 2 sessions
    • On Location and Art League Studios
    • 10

     Do you love the spring air and want to make art inspired by nature . . .while you are on the trail? This 2-day workshop is designed for those who love the outdoors and would like to infuse their art practice with a fresh perspective. The first day will include two short hikes with stops along the way with drawing exercises incorporating natural materials with our limited art materials all to inspire you to be resourceful and look at things differently. This experience is to get you outdoors, experiencing nature with a new perspective and while stretching the potential of your materials. We will meet at a trailhead (easy to moderate) in the east mountains 25 minutes of Albuquerque. The second day will be spent in the studio where we will examine the results of the experiential art adventure looking for how it might influence future work or series. Mary Beth has been an artist and hiker for many years and incorporates “outdoor studios” in her own practice. This is going to be great!  

    Please sign up early; class size is limited. 

    Please check Materials List for special instructions.

    Materials List
    • 03/04/2025
    • 9:00 AM
    • 03/07/2025
    • 4:00 PM
    • On Location and In the Art League Studios
    • 7

     Painting skies and clouds is much like painting any other object, except that clouds are translucent rather than solid. In landscape painting, the sky determines the quality of light. The sky can be the main subject or it can be the supporting character in the drama of your play. In either case, understanding light is the key to painting skies and clouds as well as the landscape. As in painting anything, the camera is a useful tool, but nothing compares to painting or sketching from life. We will work from life, weather permitting, but be prepared with photo references if you have them. I will supply some photos if you have none of your own. We will discuss the various types of clouds and cloud patterns that can be used as supporting characters, the types that demand the leading roles, and various styles that artists have invented when using clouds as subject matter.

    Please sign up early; class size is limited to 12 students.

    Materials list

    • 03/21/2025
    • 9:00 AM
    • 03/23/2025
    • 4:00 PM
    • Art League Studios
    • 6

     Join encaustic artist, Carolyn Berry, in this fun and experimental workshop where the sky is the limit! Encaustic wax is a versatile medium made from beeswax, damar resin and powdered pigments that can be used for traditional painting techniques as well as a way to add texture, layer and join mixed media materials together. We will explore experimental techniques of painting, drawing, collage, stenciling, photo transfer, wax fusing and surface manipulation. Be inspired to create artwork with a unique surface using melted wax and pigments. Using magazine images, photo images and found collage materials students will achieve successful and personal imagery in this creative medium. No previous art experience is necessary only an adventurous spirit.

    Please sign up early; class size is limited. (price includes all materials)

    Materials List
    • 03/25/2025
    • 10:00 AM
    • 03/28/2025
    • 4:00 PM
    • On Location
    • 9

    Don’t miss this opportunity to paint in beautiful garden settings, at  Los Poblanos in the North Valley of Albuquerque. You will learn to work quickly with limited, energetic brush strokes, suggesting rather than rendering reality allowing your paintings to stay fresh and full of life. There will be an emphasis on capturing the affect of luminous, outdoor light using the colors of the spectrum in areas struck by the sun, rather than local color. We will focus on simplifying shapes and values, for contemporary compositions as well as developing color “stories” in your paintings. Michelle is an oil painter and will begin each day with a short demo using both brush and palette knife. All painting mediums and levels of painters, from beginners to professionals, are welcome. Please email Michelle with any questions, Michelle's work can be viewed on her 

    Please sign up early; class size is limited to 10 students.

    Materials list

Gallery Hours: 10 am to 4 pm Tuesday - Saturday  505-293-5034

3409 Juan Tabo Boulevard NE, Albuquerque, New Mexico 87111     Map It  

Mailing address: P.O. Box 16554, Albuquerque, NM 87191                              

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